7. The -r, -rv and -rr switches

You can instruct latexindent.pl to perform replacements/substitutions on your file by using any of the -r, -rv or -rr switches:

  • the -r switch will perform indentation and replacements, not respecting verbatim code blocks;

  • the -rv switch will perform indentation and replacements, and will respect verbatim code blocks;

  • the -rr switch will not perform indentation, and will perform replacements not respecting verbatim code blocks.

We will demonstrate each of the -r, -rv and -rr switches, but a summary is given in Table 4.

Table 4 The replacement mode switches



respect verbatim?










The default value of the replacements field is shown in Listing 546; as with all of the other fields, you are encouraged to customise and change this as you see fit. The options in this field will only be considered if the -r, -rv or -rr switches are active; when discussing YAML settings related to the replacement-mode switches, we will use the style given in Listing 546.

Listing 546 replacements
623  - amalgamate: 1
624  - this: latexindent.pl
625    that: pl.latexindent
626    lookForThis: 0
627    when: before

The first entry within the replacements field is amalgamate, and is optional; by default it is set to 1, so that replacements will be amalgamated from each settings file that you specify. As you’ll see in the demonstrations that follow, there is no need to specify this field.

You’ll notice that, by default, there is only one entry in the replacements field, but it can take as many entries as you would like; each one needs to begin with a - on its own line.

7.1. Introduction to replacements

Let’s explore the action of the default settings, and then we’ll demonstrate the feature with further examples.

Example 147

Beginning with the code in Listing 547 and running the command

latexindent.pl -r replace1.tex

gives the output given in Listing 548.

Listing 547 replace1.tex
Before text, latexindent.pl,
after text.
Listing 548 replace1.tex default
Before text, latexindent.pl,
after text.

We note that in Listing 546, because lookForThis is set to 0, the specified replacement has not been made, and there is no difference between Listing 547 and Listing 548.

If we do wish to perform this replacement, then we can tweak the default settings of Listing 546 by changing lookForThis to 1; we perform this action in Listing 550, and run the command

latexindent.pl -r replace1.tex -l=replace1.yaml

which gives the output in Listing 549.

Listing 549 replace1.tex using Listing 550
Before text, pl.latexindent,
after text.
Listing 550 replace1.yaml
    amalgamate: 0
    this: latexindent.pl
    that: pl.latexindent
    lookForThis: 1

Note that in Listing 550 we have specified amalgamate as 0 so that the default replacements are overwritten.

We haven’t yet discussed the when field; don’t worry, we’ll get to it as part of the discussion in what follows.

7.2. The two types of replacements

There are two types of replacements:

  1. string-based replacements, which replace the string in this with the string in that. If you specify this and you do not specify that, then the that field will be assumed to be empty.

  2. regex-based replacements, which use the substitution field.

We will demonstrate both in the examples that follow.

latexindent.pl chooses which type of replacement to make based on which fields have been specified; if the this field is specified, then it will make string-based replacements, regardless of if substitution is present or not.

7.3. Examples of replacements

Example 148

We begin with code given in Listing 551

Listing 551 colsep.tex
1 2 3\arraycolsep=3pt
4 5 6\arraycolsep=5pt

Let’s assume that our goal is to remove both of the arraycolsep statements; we can achieve this in a few different ways.

Using the YAML in Listing 553, and running the command

latexindent.pl -r colsep.tex -l=colsep.yaml

then we achieve the output in Listing 552.

Listing 552 colsep.tex using Listing 553
	1 2 3
	4 5 6
Listing 553 colsep.yaml
    this: \arraycolsep=3pt
    this: \arraycolsep=5pt

Note that in Listing 553, we have specified two separate fields, each with their own ‘this’ field; furthermore, for both of the separate fields, we have not specified ‘that’, so the that field is assumed to be blank by latexindent.pl;

We can make the YAML in Listing 553 more concise by exploring the substitution field. Using the settings in Listing 555 and running the command

latexindent.pl -r colsep.tex -l=colsep1.yaml

then we achieve the output in Listing 554.

Listing 554 colsep.tex using Listing 555
	1 2 3
	4 5 6
Listing 555 colsep1.yaml
    substitution: s/\\arraycolsep=\d+pt//sg

The code given in Listing 555 is an example of a regular expression, which we may abbreviate to regex in what follows. This manual is not intended to be a tutorial on regular expressions; you might like to read, for example, (Friedl, n.d.) for a detailed covering of the topic. With reference to Listing 555, we do note the following:

  • the general form of the substitution field is s/regex/replacement/modifiers. You can place any regular expression you like within this;

  • we have ‘escaped’ the backslash by using \\

  • we have used \d+ to represent at least one digit

  • the s modifier (in the sg at the end of the line) instructs latexindent.pl to treat your file as one single line;

  • the g modifier (in the sg at the end of the line) instructs latexindent.pl to make the substitution globally throughout your file; you might try removing the g modifier from Listing 555 and observing the difference in output.

You might like to see https://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html#Modifiers for details of modifiers; in general, I recommend starting with the sg modifiers for this feature.

Example 149

We’ll keep working with the file in Listing 551 for this example.

Using the YAML in Listing 557, and running the command

latexindent.pl -r colsep.tex -l=multi-line.yaml

then we achieve the output in Listing 556.

Listing 556 colsep.tex using Listing 557
Listing 557 multi-line.yaml
    this: |-
     1 2 3\arraycolsep=3pt
     4 5 6\arraycolsep=5pt
    that: 'multi-line!'

With reference to Listing 557, we have specified a multi-line version of this by employing the literal YAML style |-. See, for example, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3790454/in-yaml-how-do-i-break-a-string-over-multiple-lines for further options, all of which can be used in your YAML file.

This is a natural point to explore the when field, specified in Listing 546. This field can take two values: before and after, which respectively instruct latexindent.pl to perform the replacements before indentation or after it. The default value is before.

Using the YAML in Listing 559, and running the command

latexindent.pl -r colsep.tex -l=multi-line1.yaml

then we achieve the output in Listing 558.

Listing 558 colsep.tex using Listing 559
	1 2 3\arraycolsep=3pt
	4 5 6\arraycolsep=5pt
Listing 559 multi-line1.yaml
    this: |-
     1 2 3\arraycolsep=3pt
     4 5 6\arraycolsep=5pt
    that: 'multi-line!'
    when: after

We note that, because we have specified when: after, that latexindent.pl has not found the string specified in Listing 559 within the file in Listing 551. As it has looked for the string within Listing 559 after the indentation has been performed. After indentation, the string as written in Listing 559 is no longer part of the file, and has therefore not been replaced.

As a final note on this example, if you use the -rr switch, as follows,

latexindent.pl -rr colsep.tex -l=multi-line1.yaml

then the when field is ignored, no indentation is done, and the output is as in Listing 556.

Example 150

An important part of the substitution routine is in capture groups.

Assuming that we start with the code in Listing 560, let’s assume that our goal is to replace each occurrence of $$...$$ with \begin{equation*}...\end{equation*}. This example is partly motivated by tex stackexchange question 242150.

Listing 560 displaymath.tex
before text $$a^2+b^2=4$$ and $$c^2$$

d^2+e^2 = f^2
and also $$ g^2
$$ and some inline math: $h^2$

We use the settings in Listing 562 and run the command

latexindent.pl -r displaymath.tex -l=displaymath1.yaml

to receive the output given in Listing 561.

Listing 561 displaymath.tex using Listing 562
before text \begin{equation*}a^2+b^2=4\end{equation*} and \begin{equation*}c^2\end{equation*}

	d^2+e^2 = f^2
and also \begin{equation*} g^2
\end{equation*} and some inline math: $h^2$
Listing 562 displaymath1.yaml
    substitution: |-

A few notes about Listing 562:

  1. we have used the x modifier, which allows us to have white space within the regex;

  2. we have used a capture group, (.*?) which captures the content between the $$...$$ into the special variable, $1;

  3. we have used the content of the capture group, $1, in the replacement text.

See https://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html#Capture-groups for a discussion of capture groups.

The features of the replacement switches can, of course, be combined with others from the toolkit of latexindent.pl. For example, we can combine the poly-switches of Section 6.3, which we do in Listing 564; upon running the command

latexindent.pl -r -m displaymath.tex -l=displaymath1.yaml,equation.yaml

then we receive the output in Listing 563.

Listing 563 displaymath.tex using Listing 562 and Listing 564
before text%

	d^2+e^2 = f^2
and also%
and some inline math: $h^2$
Listing 564 equation.yaml
            BeginStartsOnOwnLine: 2
            BodyStartsOnOwnLine: 2
            EndStartsOnOwnLine: 2
            EndFinishesWithLineBreak: 2
Example 151

This example is motivated by tex stackexchange question 490086. We begin with the code in Listing 565.

Listing 565 phrase.tex
phrase 1       phrase 2 phrase 3             phrase 100

phrase 1       phrase 2 phrase 3             phrase 100

phrase 1       phrase 2 phrase 3             phrase 100

phrase 1       phrase 2 phrase 3             phrase 100

Our goal is to make the spacing uniform between the phrases. To achieve this, we employ the settings in Listing 567, and run the command

latexindent.pl -r phrase.tex -l=hspace.yaml

which gives the output in Listing 566.

Listing 566 phrase.tex using Listing 567
phrase 1 phrase 2 phrase 3 phrase 100

phrase 1 phrase 2 phrase 3 phrase 100

phrase 1 phrase 2 phrase 3 phrase 100

phrase 1 phrase 2 phrase 3 phrase 100

Listing 567 hspace.yaml
    substitution: s/\h+/ /sg

The \h+ setting in Listing 567 say to replace at least one horizontal space with a single space.

Example 152

We begin with the code in Listing 568.

Listing 568 references.tex
equation \eqref{eq:aa} and Figure  \ref{fig:bb}
and table~\ref{tab:cc}

Our goal is to change each reference so that both the text and the reference are contained within one hyperlink. We achieve this by employing Listing 570 and running the command

latexindent.pl -r references.tex -l=reference.yaml

which gives the output in Listing 569.

Listing 569 references.tex using Listing 570
\hyperref{equation \ref*{eq:aa}} and \hyperref{Figure \ref*{fig:bb}}
and \hyperref{table \ref*{tab:cc}}
Listing 570 reference.yaml
    substitution: |-
      ref\{(.*?)\}/\\hyperref{$1 \\ref\*{$3}}/sgxi

Referencing Listing 570, the | means or, we have used capture groups, together with an example of an optional pattern, (?:eq)?.

Example 153

Let’s explore the three replacement mode switches (see Table 4) in the context of an example that contains a verbatim code block, Listing 571; we will use the settings in Listing 572.

Listing 571 verb1.tex
body of verbatim
some verbatim
Listing 572 verbatim1.yaml
    this: 'body'
    that: 'head'

Upon running the following commands,

latexindent.pl -r verb1.tex -l=verbatim1.yaml -o=+mod1
latexindent.pl -rv verb1.tex -l=verbatim1.yaml -o=+-rv-mod1
latexindent.pl -rr verb1.tex -l=verbatim1.yaml -o=+-rr-mod1

we receive the respective output in Listing 573Listing 575

Listing 573 verb1-mod1.tex
	head of verbatim
some verbatim
Listing 574 verb1-rv-mod1.tex
	head of verbatim
some verbatim
Listing 575 verb1-rr-mod1.tex
head of verbatim
some verbatim

We note that:

  1. in Listing 573 indentation has been performed, and that the replacements specified in Listing 572 have been performed, even within the verbatim code block;

  2. in Listing 574 indentation has been performed, but that the replacements have not been performed within the verbatim environment, because the rv switch is active;

  3. in Listing 575 indentation has not been performed, but that replacements have been performed, not respecting the verbatim code block.

See the summary within Table 4.

Example 154

Let’s explore the amalgamate field from Listing 546 in the context of the file specified in Listing 576.

Listing 576 amalg1.tex
one two three

Let’s consider the YAML files given in Listing 577Listing 579.

Listing 577 amalg1-yaml.yaml
    this: one
    that: 1
Listing 578 amalg2-yaml.yaml
    this: two
    that: 2
Listing 579 amalg3-yaml.yaml
    amalgamate: 0
    this: three
    that: 3

Upon running the following commands,

latexindent.pl -r amalg1.tex -l=amalg1-yaml
latexindent.pl -r amalg1.tex -l=amalg1-yaml,amalg2-yaml
latexindent.pl -r amalg1.tex -l=amalg1-yaml,amalg2-yaml,amalg3-yaml

we receive the respective output in Listing 580Listing 582.

Listing 580 amalg1.tex using Listing 577
1 two three
Listing 581 amalg1.tex using Listing 577 and Listing 578
1 2 three
Listing 582 amalg1.tex using Listing 577 and Listing 578 and Listing 579
one two 3

We note that:

  1. in Listing 580 the replacements from Listing 577 have been used;

  2. in Listing 581 the replacements from Listing 577 and Listing 578 have both been used, because the default value of amalgamate is 1;

  3. in Listing 582 only the replacements from Listing 579 have been used, because the value of amalgamate has been set to 0.

Friedl, Jeffrey E. F. n.d. Mastering Regular Expressions.